Tips for Analyzing

Look for words related to the maintaining, enforcing and the overthrowing of power.power-to-the-people

  • Example: a revolution, uprising, oppression, truth and lies, classes, control, movement, etc.

Education is a crucial factor.

  • Those who are educated usually control those without an education due to their ignorance.images.jpeg
  • Example: the cost of university is increasing so that not everyone can attend, jobs are reserved for people of the same class.

185073997Money is an important component.

  • People with money usually control those who don’t because, money can buy power.
  • Example: celebrities who avoid jail, despite breaking the law.


Look at institutions who use their reputation as a source of authority to enforce their rule.

  • Example: church, government, school, etc.

Status Quo doesn’t want things to change. Those who are oppressing others usually 6a00d8345175a969e201b7c890cb78970b-320wisupport this because, they don’t want to lose their powerful position.

  • They rely on fear and paranoia to maintain control; if things change, chaos will occur.

is an important issue, with unthinking, zombie-like people, mind-control, etc.puppet_master

hqdefaultFalse Consciousness – a person or character’s lack of awareness of the oppressiveness of their social or economic conditions and association with that which oppresses them.

  • Example: Matrix, Minority Report, Blood Diamonds, Hotel Rwanda, etc.